This Framework Lot provides SAM Members with access to an ITSO AMS HOPS. The AMS-HOPS is the core ITSO component which acts as the key conduit between all other elements of the ITSO System and wider Ticketing environment.
There is a great importance on the ability of the system to provide a reliable means of generating, hosting and exchanging data with various ITSO and non-ITSO components through both defined and open APIs, but which at the same time ensures that there is full transparency of the activities which is undertaken through user accessible views into the HOPS and high quality reporting and data outputs.
This Framework Lot hosts a single AMS-HOPS Supplier available for Members.
Key Information
PIN Notice
2023/S 000-009722
Contract Notice
2023/S 000-014522
Original Tender
SAM Framework 5 ITT
Request for Information
RFI Catalogue
Contract Award Notice
2023/S 000-029683
Framework Start Date
October 1st 2023
Framework End Date
September 30th 2027
Extension Available
+1 +1 Years
Award Option
Direct Award or Further Competition
Who Should Use This Lot
This Lot is suitable for, but not limited to:
Local Authorities, Combined Authorities, Regional Transport Bodies, National Governments or Other Public Sector Bodies wishing to procure an ITSO AMS-HOPS;
Any Transport Operator wishing to buy an ITSO AMS-HOPS.
All users of the National Procurement Framework need to be a Member of SAM. A copy of the Project Initiation Document (PID) for the National Mobilities Procurement Hub is available here.
Guidance Notes
Guidance Notes on how a SAM Member can call-off from the ITSO AMS-HOPS Lot are available here.
The Guidance Notes are designed to assist and inform a SAM Member on all aspects of undertaking a call-off from the Framework, including:
Scoping a Member's own requirements;
Identifying the most suitable Supplier(s) to meet these requirements;
Preparing the Call-Off Order;
The process for undertaking a Further-Competition (if one is required); and
The costs for using the Framework.
Suppliers Available
There is a single Supplier available under this Lot.
Benefits of the Framework
The National Mobilities Procurement Hub Framework Lots are fully compliant with UK procurement legislation for the public sector - so you do not need to run your own procurement process;
All Framework Agreements have been upgraded since 2022 and are based upon Crown Commercial Service (CCS) terms;
All Suppliers available under this Lot have been assessed for their financial stability, experience, technical ability and commitment to Social Value;
All Orders are underpinned by a Framework Agreement, which clearly sets out the terms and conditions of the Order.